The Guild Page of the Blackmoorians

This is the official page to Satyr's Blackmoorians.
This WoW guild functions on the Alleria server.

Satyr and Griminus welcome you!

Guild Creed

This guild caters is the "casual" player.  We promote a friendly environment.
We help others within or outside the guild.

Membership Rules     Guild Bank Info     Guild Raid Rules

This web page is nothing but a portal to us.
The forum sites (below) allows for a more in depth material about us.

Guild Forums

We have two forums, one for general public use (the Gawdz forum) and another for more indepth use (the Yahoo! forum) for members only.

The Gawdz forum requires only a valid email address.  No approval is necessary.  To drop us a line, please click here -> Forum by Gawdz

The Yahoo! forum was setup at Yahoo! groups.  This requires membership with the guild to fully interact with it.  It also requires a valid email address and then my approval.  Serious players at the initiate level are encouraged to sign up to get a quick promotion.

The URL is

To subscribe to the forum, send an email to
Include your WoW character name in the header.

The Yahoo! forum is used for Raid polling and othe decision making voting.  We also use it to post pictures, create databases, etc.

Experimental Section

This section is purely experimental.
We have a photogallery and a chatroom is trial basis here.
Preview and enjoy

Blackmoore Chatroom                          Photo Gallery


Guild Ranks

Like any guild, there are ranks and privileges.  This listing gives a brief idea of those settings.

Guildmaster - Dungeonmaster - Full guild control - vote count of 4
DM Overlords - Satyr's Alternate Characters, thus same rank benefits as Guildmaster
Officier - 1st rank - Unique Title or Blacklords - Most of the guild functions, except promote/demote & edit public notes.   Vote count of 2.
Officier - 2nd rank - Warlord - Most of the guild functions, except promote/demote & edit public notes.  Vote count of 1.
Veteran - 1st rank - Warmonger - Can participate in officier discussions and view their notes.  Cannot vote on important matters (this rank or lower), but can participate in discussions.
Veteran - 2nd rank -  Disciple -  Can only listen to officier chats.  Promotion to higher ranks depends on Officier votes.  Can run guild sanctioned raids.
Member - Can invite new members (suspended for now).  Obtain 20th level or if 20+ level, game 3 -4 weeks with the guild to become a Veteran - 2nd rank.
Initiate - Just gain levels.  Obtain 10th level or if 10+ level, game for 1 - 2 weeks with the guild to become a member.

Current Members

Guildmaster (Dungeonmaster) - Satyr, Tauren Hunter - Miner/Swordsmith
DM Overlords - (High Mage) - Wighte, Undead Mage - Enchanter/Tailor
- (Arch Weremaster) - Yakman, Tauren Druid - Skinner/Tribal Leatherworker
- (Ghuldan, originally) - Gorgonzola, Orc Warlock - Miner/Goblin Engineer
1st Officier (Lord Warlock) - Griminus, Undead Warlock - Enchanter/Tailor
1st Officer - Hatala, Tauren Shaman - Herbalist/Alchemy
2nd Officier - Zulemonji, Troll Shaman - Miner/Gnome Engineer
2nd Officier - Gawdz, Troll Priest - Enchant/Tailor
2nd Officier - Opening
1st Veteran - Skeletonlord, Warrior; Crushor, Warrior;  Peegri, Mage; Rathur, Warlock; Dezumon, Rogue; Enfore, Rogue; Kliwon, Rogue; Moonisis, Warrior
2nd Veteran - Borimere, Kentut, Keemo, Helder, Vilemancer, Darkhound, Manitoba, Itb, Marajaya, Autolicus, Coldraegon, Vampyric, Cyrinshad, Girra, Usmasht
Member - 20
Initiates - 29 + 2 mules

80 characters as of 2/4/06

This will be updated as necessary. Good Gaming.

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